How Much Does It Cost To Self Publish A Book


Hey there, book lovers and aspiring authors! Let’s dive into the fascinating world of self-publishing, a realm where you call the shots and your story gets to shine, unfiltered and undiluted. This is your backstage pass to understanding how to self-publish a book in the UK, and trust me, it’s a journey worth taking.

What Exactly is Self-Publishing?

Picture this: you’re not just the brain behind the story, but also the captain steering the ship through the entire publishing process. That’s self-publishing in a nutshell. You’re in charge of everything from the nitty-gritty of editing and proofreading to the creative aspects of cover design and marketing. It’s all about having the freedom to bring your vision to life, your way.

The Formats: Print vs Digital

When it comes to self-publishing, you’ve got options. Fancy seeing your work in print? You can go for the classic hardback or a sleek paperback. More of a tech-savvy writer? E-books are your go-to, perfect for readers who love their Kindle or smartphone.

Breaking Stereotypes: Self-Publishing is More Than Vanity

There’s a bit of a myth that self-publishing is just a last resort for those who can’t cut it in traditional publishing. But let’s set the record straight. Self-publishing is a legitimate and often groundbreaking choice. Remember “50 Shades of Grey“? Yep, that started as self-published Twilight fanfic and look where it is now! And let’s not forget Jane Austen, who self-published “Sense and Sensibility” back when female authors were a rarity. It’s all about breaking barriers and making your own rules.

The Rising Popularity of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing isn’t just a fleeting trend. It’s been on the rise, thanks to platforms like Amazon making it more accessible than ever. While we can’t pin down the exact numbers, it’s clear that self-publishing is a significant player in the book world. In 2020, self-published books accounted for a substantial chunk of UK ebook sales. That’s no small feat!

Exploring the Types of Books You Can Self-Publish

Think self-publishing is just for novels? Think again! There’s a whole spectrum of possibilities. From fiction and non-fiction to poetry collections and children’s books, the sky’s the limit. And if you’re not up for writing something from scratch, there’s always the option of rewriting or repackaging content, especially from works in the public domain.

The Low Content Book: A Unique Avenue

Ever heard of low content books? These are the ones with minimal written content, like sketchbooks, planners, or puzzle books. They’re a creative and often easier path to self-publishing, perfect for those looking to dip their toes into the publishing world without the commitment of writing a full-fledged novel.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing in the UK

Ready to embark on your self-publishing journey? Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Set Up Shop on Bookbolt: This platform is a goldmine for creating low content books, offering tools for design and market research. Choose between their Newbie and Pro packages and get cracking!
  2. Design Your Masterpiece: Whether you’re using Bookbolt’s templates or designing your own cover on Canva, this is where your book starts to take shape. Remember, you need two PDFs – one for the interior and one for the cover.
  3. Launch on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon’s KDP is your gateway to getting your book out there. It’s user-friendly and free, perfect for both print and digital formats. Plus, you get to keep a hefty chunk of the sales as royalties.

Tools of the Trade

Going solo in self-publishing means you’ll need some handy tools. Grammarly and ProWritingAid are great for keeping your grammar in check. Platforms like Smashwords and Lulu offer alternatives to Amazon for publishing and distribution. And don’t forget Bowker for those all-important ISBNs.

The Financial Side of Self-Publishing

The beauty of self-publishing is that it can be as budget-friendly or as lavish as you want. From minimal costs like subscription fees to optional extras like professional editing services, you control the purse strings. Print-on-demand services also mean you don’t have to worry about upfront printing costs.

The Potential Earnings

Let’s talk money. While you might not become the next E.L. James overnight, self-publishing can be a lucrative side hustle. The earnings vary, but with platforms like KDP offering up to 70% in royalties, there’s potential for a decent income, especially if you find your niche.

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it – a comprehensive look at self-publishing in the UK. Whether you’re a budding novelist, a poet, or someone with a unique idea for a low content book, the world of self-publishing is your oyster. It’s all about taking that leap, embracing your creative freedom, and seeing where the journey takes you. Happy publishing!